
• 临床研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


张善勇,杨 驰,王旭东   

  1. 上海第二医科大学附属第九人民医院 口腔颌面外科,上海200011
  • 收稿日期:2005-08-25 修回日期:2005-08-25 出版日期:2005-08-20 发布日期:2005-08-20
  • 通讯作者: 杨 驰, Tel: 021-63138341-5218
  • 作者简介:张善勇(1972-),男,山东人,主治医师,硕士

Arthroscopic Diagnosis for Intraarticular Adhesion of Temporomandibular Joint

ZHANG Shan-yong, YANG Chi, WANG Xu-dong   

  1. Dept. ofOral andMaxillofacialSurgery, TheNinthPeople′sHospital, School ofStomatology, ShanghaiSecondMed- ical University, Shanghai200011, China
  • Received:2005-08-25 Revised:2005-08-25 Online:2005-08-20 Published:2005-08-20

摘要: 目的 探讨囊内粘连与颞下颌关节内错乱(ID)分期以及与患者年龄、张口受限时间及术前张口度之间的 关系。方法 选择患有颞下颌关节ID的251例患者的280侧关节进行关节镜检查,观察颞下颌关节囊内粘连的形 态及部位,按颞下颌关节上腔九分法分区记录粘连情况,计算各区粘连所占比例和不同粘连级别与ID分期的关 系。将Ⅲ~Ⅴ期患者按关节镜检查结果分为粘连组和无粘连组,比较两组患者年龄、张口受限时间和术前张口度 的差异。结果 280侧受检关节中,有157侧发生粘连,约占56·07%,其中1级粘连占44·59%,2级粘连占 32·48%,3级粘连占7·64%,4级粘连占15·29%。粘连关节在不同ID分期的构成比分别为:处于IDⅡ期的37侧关 节有4侧发生粘连,占10·81%;处于IDⅢ期的121侧关节有59侧发生粘连,占48·76%;处于IDⅣ期的41侧关节 有31侧发生粘连,占75·61%;处于IDⅤ期的81侧关节有63侧发生粘连,占77·78%。ID分期为Ⅲ~Ⅴ期的患者 共223例(243侧),其中粘连组为136例(153侧),无粘连组为87例(90侧),两组患者的年龄、张口受限时间和术前 张口度均有统计学差异(P<0·001)。结论 颞下颌关节上腔囊内粘连发生率较高,多发生于张口受限时间长、张 口度小及年龄较大的患者,且内错乱分期愈高,粘连级别愈高。

关键词: 颞下颌关节, 囊内粘连, 关节镜


Objective To demonstrate the incidence ratio of intraarticular adhesion (ID), arthroscopic findings of adhesions were evaluated by means of its shape, location and degree. To evaluate the correlation between intraarticular adhesion and the fol- lowing index, including patients′age, locking duration and interincisal opening preoperatively.Methods 280 consecutive arthro- scopically examined joints in 251 patients were evaluated. Two surgeons discussed and recorded the shape, location and degree of adhesion nine parts of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) upper compartment on the chart. The adhesion ratio in different regions and the relation between different grades and ID stages of adhesions were calculated. The patients with ID stageⅢ,Ⅳ, Vwere divided into two groups, one with adhesion, and the otherwithout. Interincisal opening, locking duration and age were compared between two groups usingt-test.Results Of all 280 joints, 157 joints had adhesions, which accounted for 56·07%.The adhe- sion of grade 1 accounted for 44·59%, grade 2 for 32.48%, grade 3 for 7·64%, and grade 4 for 15·29%. The proportions of different grades in different stage were as follows. The joints with adhesion in StageⅡaccounted for 10·81%, StageⅢfor 48·76%, StageⅣfor 75·61%, and StageⅤfor 77·78%. There were 223 patients who suffered from IDⅢ~Ⅴ. All of 223 patients were divided intothe groupwith adhesion (136 patients) and the othergroupwithout adhesion(87 patients). The patients′ age, interincisal opening and locking duration between two groupswere statistically significant difference(P<0·001).Conclusion  Arthroscopic findings confirmed that the incidence ratio of adhesionwas high, mainly occurred in the older patientswith longer locking duration and less interincisal opening. With the higher stage of ID, the adhesion′grades rise.

Key words: temporomandibular joint, intraarticular adhesions, arthroscopy