华西口腔医学杂志 ›› 2019, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (2): 115-123.doi: 10.7518/hxkq.2019.02.001
• 专家共识 • 下一篇
甘雪琦,副教授,博士,E-mail: xueqigan@scu.edu.cn
Xueqi Gan1,Yu Xiao2,Ruiyang Ma1,Chunpeng Huang2,Yao Wu3,Bangcheng Yang3,Qi Yang4,Chongyun Bao2,Haiyang Yu1()
Haiyang Yu
Supported by:
甘雪琦,肖宇,马瑞阳,黄椿棚,吴尧,杨帮成,杨齐,包崇云,于海洋. 牙种植体的生物力学研究[J]. 华西口腔医学杂志, 2019, 37(2): 115-123.
Xueqi Gan,Yu Xiao,Ruiyang Ma,Chunpeng Huang,Yao Wu,Bangcheng Yang,Qi Yang,Chongyun Bao,Haiyang Yu. Expert consensus on biomechanical research of dental implant[J]. West China Journal of Stomatology, 2019, 37(2): 115-123.
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