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  1. 100050 首都医科大学附属北京口腔医院正畸科 (郭宏铭,白玉兴,王邦康,周立新),四川大学华西口腔医院正畸科 (罗颂椒)
  • 收稿日期:2003-08-25 修回日期:2003-08-25 出版日期:2003-08-20 发布日期:2003-08-20

Utility of Three-dimensional Soft Tissue Facial Morphometry and Conventional Cephalometrics in People with Normal Oc- clusion

GUOHongming*,LUOSongjiao,BAI Yuxing,et al   

  1. *Department ofOrthodontics ofFaculty ofStomatology,Capital Universi- ty ofMedical Sciences,Beijing100050,China
  • Received:2003-08-25 Revised:2003-08-25 Online:2003-08-20 Published:2003-08-20


目的 比较正常的面部软组织三维测量与X线头影测量结果。方法 应用面部软组织数字化立体摄影测量与X线头影测量对标准正常进行面部软组织三维测量,并进行相关性分析。结果 面部软组织三维测量项目与对应的X线头影测量项目具备相关性。结论 面部软组织三维测量结果能够部分的反映其下硬组织的情况。

关键词: 面部软组织, 三维测量, X线头影测量, 正常


Objective The purpose of this studywas to compare the data of three-dimensional soft tissue obtained by us- ing a three-dimensional digital photogrammetry and the two-dimensional data obtained by using a conventional cephalometry.Meth- ods Three-dimensional characters of facial soft tissue were obtained by using four digital cameras. The authors developed neces- sary hardware and software systems and applied in stereophotogrammetry to obtain the data of three-dimensional facial soft tissues. A total of 40 people with normal occlusion, including 20 males and 20 females, were examinedwith both three-dimensional soft ti- ssue facial morphometry and cephalometry. Three-dimensional soft tissue facial morphometry was performed, and their relations with facial cephalometry were analyzed.Results Significant correlations were found between 6 pairs of linear measurements, 4 pairs of angular measurements and 3 pairs of linear distant ratio measurements. The data obtained by three-dimensional facial soft tissue morphometry and two-dimensional cephalometry was identical.Conclusion There was a correlation between the three-di- mensional softtissue facial morphometry and facial cephalometry. The data obtained bythe three-dimensional softtissue facial mor- phometry can partially represent facial hard tissue.

Key words: three-dimensional soft tissue facial morphometry, cephalometry, normal occlusion