周春梅 李淑慧 温齐古丽?乃库力 于莉 袁萍 赵璐 吴佩玲 尼加提·吐尔逊
The expressions of the Notch and Wnt signaling pathways and their significance in the repair process of alveolar bone defects in rabbits with bone marrow stem cells compounded with platelet-rich fibrin
Zhou Chunmei, Li Shuhui, Wenqiguli?Naikuli, Yu Li, Yuan Ping, Zhao Lu, Wu Peiling, Nijiati·Tuerxun.
华西口腔医学杂志 . 2016, (2): 130 -135 .  DOI: 10.7518/hxkq.2016.02.005